Happy New Year! Well I’m not 100% sure that it is happy at the moment. I am questioning my life as it is at the moment. I really need to find some level of improvement in my life. How and what that looks like I’m not sure. I just shared a Mastodon post about whether […]
Main Content

eLust 178
Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice, or kinky discussions, it’ll be here at Elust. If you have a post included in Elust 178, please re-post the latest edition on your own blog, […]

Pregnant porn desires
I have shared my thoughts and ideas of my relationship with porn. I am going to continue this topic with another post. I have mentioned that the porn I view has a significant influence over my sexual desires. Right now, I find that the porn I view makes me regret part of my life, but […]

Porn thoughts
I have many a thought about porn. However, right now porn is not having an effect on my body at the moment. I do not get the instant erection I previously would as a teen. I heard that has something to do with age. My interest in porn has decreased as well. I search through […]

I have a couple of thoughts on a topic. I’m not sure if my thoughts on the topic are controversial. We as men are primal creatures. Visual stimuli drives my initial thoughts about sex and dating. I am not suggesting men are not emotional. Since our initial thoughts and reactions are stimulated by visual stimuli, […]
William’s musings

Female desires
I have many fantasies going on at once in my life, sometimes they overlap. Today’s fantasy is where I have the body of a woman. My desire is to have breasts, a vulva, a vagina and a clitoris. A fantasy where I have the appearance and desires of a woman. My fantasy is to experience […]

Curvy and dark desires
Content warning: I share some personal thoughts about dark skinned women. They are not intended to come across as the fetishisation of these women. I have previously shared some thoughts on my sexual desires with people who have certain features. Today is another one of those days. Today’s desires are for cisgendered women today. However, […]