I have many a thought about porn. However, right now porn is not having an effect on my body at the moment. I do not get the instant erection I previously would as a teen. I heard that has something to do with age.

My interest in porn has decreased as well. I search through my porn collection, or online videos for 5 to 15 minutes to find something that stirs me enough to build a desire to rub one out.
I have previously shared thoughts about the types of porn I consume and the effect it has on the type of people I desire to be intimate with as part of a poly relationship.
My porn consumption has changed. Some days I look for porn, others I endlessly scroll through pictures on Reddit, and others where I just can’t be f*cked looking at or watching porn. I’m not sure why my desires change and where these feelings are coming from, or what my subconscious is trying to tell me.
So what is my subconscious trying to tell me? I really do not know at the moment.
Is it telling me that I have been watching too much porn and need to take a break? Maybe it is telling me that I need to stop searching for particular physical characteristics? Or does it mean something else altogether? Maybe you can tell me in the comments below.
Or maybe I am just thinking into it too much and that as I am aging, my desires are part of the physiological changes that are happening in my body? Low testosterone? High oestrogen? Something else?
I feel as though I am stuck in no man’s land at the moment when it comes to porn. I do not know whether I am coming or going, am I interested or uninterested? Maybe I am just who I am right now. I just let this moment be as it is and see what happens and where life takes me rather than always wondering what it might look like.
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