At the time of writing this post, I am 24 hours post piercing.
Here is my best attempt at a photo of the piercing. I posted it over on Twitter with another photo from the other side.

The piercing
After leaving work earlier than I normally would to make the trip down to see Mike from Infinity Piercing, I rocked up just as he was finishing serving up the previous customer. Being the day before a long weekend, I thought there may have been a queue of customers getting piercings done before the long weekend here in Australia, but apparently not.
While I filled in the consent form, Mike disappeared to setup the torture room (OK, maybe a slight exaggeration on my behalf). Once that was filled in, his assistant processed the payment, and I was soon led to the torture room.
Mike explained what he would be doing, and asked whether I had any questions. I was like nope, lets get this done before I back out. Mike continued the setup and let me know about the slight discomfort from the receiving tube being inserted. Once that was inserted and he stopped wriggling it around, it was about 2 minutes before he was telling me I could pull up my pants and sit up.
Was it in? Did he actually do it? I didn’t question him, nor ask for a pic. However, I knew it was in, I could feel the ring rubbing the insides of my glans.
With a few minutes explaining the aftercare and how to use the spray that I had purchased, he checked whether I was comfortable and in any pain, and no, no pain at all, but there was now adrenaline flowing through my veins.
My initial reaction
Wow! After leaving the Infinity Piercing studio, I headed back to the car, and posted reaction video and audio to a couple of people who knew I was getting the piercing. Just WOW!!
It was intense having done it after thinking about it for over 5 years, and I knew it was there even without seeing it there.
The first night
After a wash in the shower, photos for Missus Sub and our friend, and the post piercing drop, I wrapped up the tucker for a restful evening.
Of course sleep eluded me knowing what I had done earlier that day. My brain finally switched off and let me drift off to sleep, but do you think that last long? Nope. Just four short hours later the brain was awake, the body was awake, and the cock was awake.
After tossing and turning, hoping for more sleep, I took the quiet opportunity to inspect my new jewellery and have a clean up, I expected blood. The first inspection wasn’t too bad. So having cleaned up, saline spray, and bathroom break, back to bed to see what might happen.
Drifted off to sleep for about 30 minutes, and woke up to a warm sticky mess. I think I had a nocturnal emissions event and mixed with blood, it was a murder scene down there. After a morning shower to help clean up the murder scene and “blood slug”, and while I’m not squeamish about blood normally, this time I was triggered. Having cleaned up, and wrapped up again, the day started.
Day 1
After the morning shower, the family went about the day, obviously I am conscious about the piercing and any potential blood causing issues. Throughout the day I have been checking the piercing and its wrapping and doing my best to keep it clean.
Obviously a couple of times there was bleeding that required a dressing change and clean, and while I was there it was saline soak time. Trying to balance cups of saline water on a vanity while handling your “fragile” penis made for some challenges, but I’m still persevering with the piercing.
So heading into the second evening, I’m hoping that the bleeding starts settling down going forward. Other accounts seemed to have minimal blood, but my experience seems to be otherwise. Clearly I’m the first blog account that has had a murder scene following a Prince Albert Piercing. Hopefully the second evening isn’t the same as the first.
Day 1 summary
- Do I regret getting a Prince Albert? Absolutely not!
- Is the piercing procedure painful? I’d say it is more uncomfortable than painful
- Do you notice the Prince Albert? I can always feel the ring’s presence
- How does your experience compare to other accounts? The other accounts that I have read have mentioned far less bleeding than my experience.
I’ll keep you posted on the progress of healing and other goodies.