I’m continuing on my series of post about my Prince Albert piercing.
The second night
After the first evening, and the bleeding all day on Day 1, I was expecting another evening of blood and murder scene in the morning.
To my surprise, there was very little blood in the morning. A few small spots caught by the gauze, but nothing to be worried about like the previous day.
My day started with hope for minimal gauze throughout the day, if at all.
Day 2
Well after the overnight experience, I decided to run the gauntlet and go gauze free since were were home all day doing very little.
Got through most of the day blood free, although silly me was laying down and drifted off to dream land for just a few minutes, and what happens to guys during sleep? You know it, not quite the emissions from the previous morning, but a little wood, and extra blood meant the seal was popped. A quick clean up and saline soak, and back to running the gauntlet.
Not sure I’ll run the gauntlet for night number 3, but we shall see.

The third night
After the virtually blood free Day 2, I thought about going gauze free, but chose not to, didn’t want to run the risk of the first night all over again. But also guessed that there would be minimal blood based on the days experience.
Wrapped up the piercing, and slept through the night for a change. Much better than the previous week or so.
First thing in the morning, time for a check, and to my surprise very little blood at all. I think things have finally settled down now. Not sure I will give another night update here on the blog. Not unless something eventful happens due to the piercing.
Day 3
After minimal blood of the third night, I’m finally feeling comfortable to go without gauze during the day. Luckily it is still the long weekend here and if there is a problem, I’ve got the tools at hand for a quick clean up and wrap up to protect the clothing. After Day 4, I’m back into the real world, so depending how Day 4 goes, I may be back to wrapping when I return to work. But for now while I’m still at home, freedom reigns.
Future q&a?
I might do a future Q&A here on the blog in a few weeks once I have a few more weeks of being the proud owner of a Prince Albert. I would love to answer your questions, please leave your questions & comments on any of my Prince Albert posts and I’ll put something together.