Today is four weeks to the day since I had a needle and ring pushed through my penis. Yes, four weeks with the long thought about Prince Albert piercing.
Since Day 3, bleeding has been virtually non-existent and I have not had any major issues with the piercing at all.
I did have one bleeding event, and that was immediately after sex with the lovely Missus Sub on Mothers Day morning. Clearly it wasn’t as healed as I expected, maybe it was the smaller gauge ring being a little bitey. We won’t know the exact reason, but a few days of saline spray and gentle handling, and it was as good as it was leading up to the bedroom fun.
Pain has generally been non-existent as well, and other than a slight burning during urination, which doesn’t feel bad, but more about a slight back pressure from reduced flow area. I’m not too concerned about it given the sterile nature of urine actually having a cleansing effect on the piercing.

Now, the real question is how do I feel about it four weeks in?
Some people say that it is the best thing they have done and they don’t regret it. Well while I don’t regret getting it done, right now I’m feeling somewhat indifferent about it.
I’m not sure why I feel indifferent about it. Clearly I initially hyped it up, maybe I thought it would change my sex drive, maybe I’m actually just not that into it anymore. It could actually be something else.
So where to from here?
I still have a desire to increase the ring gauge to something larger than the 12G or 10G that I was pierced with. Right now, my thoughts are to reach a 4G or a 2G ring. I’m not really interested in anything larger, but that could always change once I get closer to a 2G ring or curved barbell.