1 – Have you purchased cryptocurrency (e.g., bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin, etc.)? Which one?
No I have never purchased any, however a few years ago, a friend loaned me a bitcoin miner which I hooked up to a Raspberry Pi, I did mine some Bitcoin, but not much at all, maybe about $10 back then, it may be worth about $50 now if I still had access to it. I think I lost the wallet password.

2 – Have you been scammed by cryptocurrency?
I’ve received many an email claiming to have my caught me masturbating using my webcam, and “threatening” to expose me to my family. However they would choose not to do so if I sent them $750 or so via Bitcoin to some random address. I’ve never sent them any Bitcoin, nor have I been exposed to my family or friends.
3 – Where are you now?
As I write this, sitting in my home office.
4 – Where do you want to be?
There are many places I would like to be, in bed snuggling with Missus Sub, or in bed snuggling with my new girlfriend, Lil Kitten.
5 – How many hotels have you been kicked out of?
I live a pretty boring life, none!
6 – How many bars have you been kicked out of?
Again, I live a very boring life, none!
Bonus: What is in the boot/trunk of your car?
An umbrella, a few shopping bags, and a picnic blanket (I think?)