It is this time of year where I find myself in a rut.
In a life before COVID (did that ever actually exist?a) Missus Sub & I would generally holiday in or around September in the run up to the end of the year. COVID has put a stop to that, and now with school children it is even more difficult to schedule time away.
We haven’t had a decent break in quite some time, and I think that is contributing to the rut that I find myself in. This rut affects me in many ways.
I’m struggling on a day-to-day basis to get up in the morning enthusiastic about going to work. It feels like a chore to go to the office five days per week and get through the work.
I’m thinking a week long break in November will help, but it is only temporary.
Maybe I need some time away from it all, or a new job, I don’t really know what would help.
Blog writing
I’m sure that you may have noticed that for most of October, blog posts have been limited to blog prompts that are generally non-sexual.
That isn’t a bad thing, but it also feels like it is part of the natural cycle my writing goes through. I start a blog, have a flurry of posts, then about 3-6 months later end up writing very little.
I’m hoping that even some writing will keep the habit ticking over even if it isn’t the most inspiring writing I wish I could be writing. Some writing is better than no writing, right?
I have not had sex in months. The children are some serious cock blockers at the moment. They do not give Missus Sub & I the time alone we need, and we don’t have anyone who will look after them to allow us to have a fancy date in a hotel.
There is also the lack of a physical non-monogamous partner to be intimate with. So for me, all sexual activity is with me, myself and I, and my imagination of course.
So hopefully the upcoming break will help me reset, find some new vibes, and hopefully some chilling and refreshment that I need.