The idea of self voyeurism is not one of my personal kinks. I am personally repulsed by my body and I struggle with self-love and compassion for myself.
I’ve tried numerous times to be comfortable watching myself, both in the mirror of a bedroom I have shared with Missus Sub, or previous non-monogamous partners I have had. I try my best to position myself away from the mirror, or when we do face a mirror, I look away and focus on the person I am with.
However before that, the idea of making home movies also came to mind, and while Missus Sub and I created them when we were much younger, I don’t recall ever watching them, or if I did, I wasn’t all that turned on.
On top of watching myself in mirrors, and home-made porn movies, there are also the pics one takes of themselves to share with others. While I manage to take the occasional one, and maybe share it online, I still don’t like looking at them. Posting the following picture is taking courage, and I’m struggling to justify posting it.

Now that’s not to say that it doesn’t work for others, but for me, it certainly doesn’t work at all. It is a shame because I do like listening to the sounds that Missus Sub and I make when we are together, but seeing my body is a major turn off.
So while self voyeurism works for some, it does not work for me.
Hi William
Welcome to Sinful Sunday. I hope you enjoy being part of this community of people.
I hope that despite it being a challenge posting this image you do actually find some enjoyment in it and maybe will explore again in the future and share more images but only if you feel comfortable doing so.
I think you look amazing and I love the way you can just make out your piercing.
Thanks Molly. I’m sure I will be back, how regular is unknown, but with comments like these it may be sooner than I think.
I can empathise with your feelings, seeing yourself is hard.
Thanks Bee. Definitely hard looking at myself, clothed & naked.
Great post and I completely get it. Mirrors are hard. I’m not sure why I find being behind the camera lens is different but it works for me. Maybe it’s because I’m taking the image for someone else.
Missy x x
Thanks Missy. I find being behind the camera much more comfortable than being in front of it.
I have an amazing love hate relationship with seeing myself in photos or video. Often I mind less after the passage of time. A great image, wonderfully honest post. Welcome too Sinful Sunday!
Thank Julie. I’m not sure I have much love for myself in photos, video or audio. Clearly I’m too judgmental of myself. Thanks for the welcome!