1 – Who in your family is most likely to be attacked by a bear?
That would probably be me, but only because I’m likely to be the one sacrificed by the rest of the family to save themselves.
2 – When using a urinal, where do you look?
When I do use a urinal, depends how the Prince Albert is sitting/mood, I’m generally a wall starer, the higher the better to avoid being caught catching a glimpse of someone else’s junk, or spotting them trying to catch a glimpse of my piercing 😏
3 – When was the last time you actually spoke with a telemarketer?
I spoke with one the other week, tried selling me a new insurance policy, wouldn’t take no for an answer so I just went silent on them until they decided to hang up.

4 – Which vegetable would make a decent weapon?
I’m going for a whole potato in an air cannon wrapped in a sabot rather than a Potato Gun.
5 – Do you clap at the end of an airplane flight?
What is this rubbish? Never have I clapped at the end of a flight, nor have I witnessed it.
Bonus: New Year’s Resolutions, did you make any?
I haven’t made resolutions per se, but more trying to adopt principles to incorporate as part of holistic changes in my life. No point trying to be specific, it just leads to disaster for me.