1 – What is something minor or seemingly insignificant in your life that actually contributes greatly to your happiness?
I feel like some recognition and thanks goes a long way. Yes there are some things that you need to do, but even just a little thanks, even from senior managers goes a long way to feeling appreciated. Yes doing your job doesn’t need thanks to be given, but it goes a long way to the motivation of employees. Happy employees equals more productive employees.
2 – Describe your life in 5 words.
Bottom of the food chain

3 – Have you ever been screwed over? What happened and how did you respond?
There are some days I feel like this happens every day in my life. Yes I might just be a whinger, and it probably happens far less than I think it does.
4 – What did you think was cool when you were young but is not cool now?
So many things. There were many things as a child that I remembered being cool and exciting and wanting to return to as an adult when I had more freedom, but when I go to them now as an adult, they don’t spark the same joy and excitement from all those years ago.
5 – Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night?
Generally I’m a home body. I’m an introvert and a quiet night at home, with the TV, movie and popcorn sounds delightful. Snuggling with a lovely partner takes it to the next level.
Bonus: Which word would you use if you could only use one for the rest of your life?