Just curious. If you are in an open relationship, would it bother you if your partner’s new lover sent you pics of them together? Why or why not?
For me, it would really depend on what the agreement was about the level of details we should share with each other about our non-monogamous partners. If all parties were open to it, I would not mind, but generally I think I prefer they keeps pics just for themselves rather than sharing with me unless it is something I specifically ask for.
What is the rudest thing someone can do in your home?
Have sex with your significant other on the assumption they were just coming over to watch a movie and hang out with your significant other. BTW, this is a true story.
What would you change, if anything, about your experience growing up?
I think that the one thing I would change is not being so uptight about money during my twenties and learn to live life and travel more than I did. Since reaching my thirties and having children, I regret not living life more full when I was younger.
The absolute worst fight you have ever had with a significant other, what was it about?
See the question about about the rudest thing someone can do in your home. It lead to some serious discussions and I believe a few nights were spent on the sofa by one of us as a result of it.
What is your favourite place to visit in your city or town?
Now that’s a hard one to answer, I don’t usually travel around my city and find places I really enjoy. But one thing I do enjoy is taking photographs of steam trains in new places I haven’t seen them before.
Bonus: Were you your mom or dad’s favourite kid?
I think there are days where I was because I was the more docile of the two of us. However I think my brother could be sometimes just because.
2. Yikes. Truly making themselves at home.
Steam trains…cool
It was somewhat kind of a shock when it happened. I didn’t actually know how to react at the time. I was stunned it happened at all.
#1 Details Details Details are always important. As the Jesuits always say, one needs to descend into the particulars.
As for #2. Such things can not be sufficiently despised.
The desire for details is low. Just knowing the whereabouts and who she is with is sufficient for me.
But yes it was despised at the time.