How do you feel about being naked?
Being naked is the most uncomfortable position I can find myself in. I’ve previously written about self voyeurism as part of Kink of the Week, and I shared my thoughts about nudity in front of a mirror there.
I’m personally repulsed by my body as it is, especially when naked. I’m not sure that I will ever be comfortable with my naked body. Even with the lights off, I struggle because of a number of factors.

These are the things that contribute to my lack of confidence about nudity:
- my round body shape;
- lack of endowment; and
- a massive lack of self confidence.
I’m not sure it is something that I will ever be able to overcome. I know that many people have overcome their own demons from their past, but I cannot mentally see me accepting my body as it is, or even a different version of my body.
There are little things that I do like:
- my Prince Albert piercing;
- my pierced nipple
Unfortunately these little things that I do like don’t over power the negatives about my nakedness. I wish they did, but they don’t.
Overall, I am not a fan of being naked.