Since I received my Prince Albert piercing, I have been wanting to increase the gauge of the ring that hangs from the end of my penis. I prefer the look of a slightly chunky ring, but not overly chunky as some Prince Albert owners have.
Where I was
I saw Mike from Infinity Piercing back in April to get my initial Prince Albert piercing. He inserted a 12G captive bead ring with a hoop diameter of 19mm. This is the minimum gauge that should be used for a Prince Albert piercing.
Where I am
As of this past weekend, I visited Mike again. The only suitable jewellery they had is a 10G horse shoe barbell with a hoop diameter of 13mm.
I could feel the stretch of the larger gauge. It was not uncomfortable, but you certainly know that it is stretching the hole.

While the 13mm hoop diameter is much smaller than the 19mm hoop diameter of the initial captive bead ring, it still works with my anatomy and where the piercing was placed in relation to my urethra opening. I do prefer the look of a larger hoop diameter ring.
Where I’m going
Right now, my ultimate goal is to eventually get to a 4G ring or horse shoe barbell. That is still a long way off as there is a minimum 3 months between stepping up to the next gauge jewellery.
The progress is:
- 12G (was)
- 10G (current)
- 8G (step 1)
- 6G (step 2)
- 4G (goal)
There is at least 9 months until I reach 4G unless I have problems with any of the stretches. When I reach a 4G ring or barbell, I may decide to go even further, who knows.

How will I get there
I have placed an order for 3 captive bead rings, a 10G, 8G and a 6G. Each ring has a diameter of 19mm, the same as my initial piercing. I will work my way through the rings, spending approximately 3 months at each gauge before moving to the next size up.
One thing I had not thought about is the method for putting in a captive bead ring. I’m starting to wonder if I should have ordered the horse shoe barbells instead of rings. That may be a future purchase.
Day 0 | Day 1 | Day 2 & 3 | Four Weeks | Three months

Exciting times ahead. I hope you have a smooth experience gauging up.
So far so good. I’m just impatient about waiting between size increases.