1 – Would you rather work on Christmas day and earn 4 times your daily salary or spend the day with your family?
Now that’s somewhat of a hard one. While I do love my family, I also know that 3 days of pay will certainly help with the bills and money, and buying Christmas presents for the kids.
Maybe if I worked Christmas Eve, and could be with the family from the morning through the rest of the day I would take the money, but then that is taking both options, and I think the objective is to pick one.
If forced to pick one, I’ll take Christmas Day with the family. Memories are what life is about, not so much money as I have alluded to before.
2 – Would you rather spend a snowy day outside playing winter games/sports or spend a snowy day inside with your most annoying relative?
Can I swap a snowy day for a stinking hot day?
I think I’ll take the stinking hot day over the really annoying relative. I’ll take the car for a drive to the beach, or the pool, or somewhere that I can cool down out of the sun of course (gotta protect my pale ass skin somehow).

3 – For the month of December would you rather sing jingle bells really loud every time you enter a room or wear a Santa suit every day?
Ughhhh. Can I pick something other than those two choices?
I might take Jingle Bells if I can sing alternate versions to mix things up.
4 – Would you rather choose your presents or be surprised?
I’d much rather choose my presents, I get what I want, not what someone else thinks I might want. Although my most recent surprise was a Safety Razor that has turned into a new self care habit. So not all surprises are useless junk.
5 – Would you rather be Scrooge before he meets the ghost of Christmas or be the Grinch before becoming good?
I don’t really know either of those storylines. However I refer to myself as the Grinch in the leadup to Christmas most years, so I’ll go with the Grinch.
Maybe I need to watch both movies now. *wanders away pondering*