What are your thoughts on foreplay? Favourite types? Best experiences? Wishes?
Everyone’s definition of foreplay varies widely. So what definition of foreplay is implied with this question? My gut says that the question is aimed at the physical aspects of foreplay, however some people, myself included, believe there is far more to foreplay than cunnilingus and blowjobs.

In my definition of foreplay, there are many aspects. A good way to describe my definition of foreplay is with a three course dinner.
As each course has a different mood behind it, each course has a different feeling about it, and I like different aspects of each course. Obviously I have a preference for one particular course over another, but that changes depending on my mood at the time.
So let me share how I see foreplay as a three course dinner.
The first course of foreplay is all about the flirtations and teasing that comes before you get together in person. The first two bites are the flirty text messages, and teasing talk. These bites set the scene for the course.

The next couple of bites are the lewd picture swapping. This certainly wets the appetite for the rest of the foreplay dinner.
This part of the foreplay meal is about building the tension between all parties involved so that all are a little on edge and looking forward to a good experience with another person in a like-minded environment.
Main course
Once the entrée is complete, the main course arrives. In my eyes the main course of the foreplay dinner starts when you and your partner are in the presence of each other.

That first kiss & hug is the first bite, the one that sets the scene of the main course.
After all the flirting & teasing with text & pictures as part of the entrée, to see & feel the person in your presence is an absolute delight. Now there is no need to rush through the course. It is all about taking your time to feel, to observe, and explore their body with your eyes & hands.
Slowly revealing themselves to you as you remove their clothing, inching closer and closer to the much desired skin-to-skin contact. The warmth of the body next to yours is the final bite for the main course.
After the final bite of the main course, there is a slight pause before dessert comes out.
The final course of the foreplay dinner starts with the exploration of hands and fingers. The intimate touching and exploring starts, feeling all over each others bodies. The touching and feeling is not limited to hands and fingers alone, you can also use lips and tongues, and maybe a little teeth depending on the people involved.
I always ensure that any partner I am with really enjoys the final course of the foreplay dinner. I want any partner to have a memorable foreplay dessert.
Further thoughts
Not every time does foreplay follow the three course dinner plan, sometimes it is just the entrée and dessert, others it just mains and dessert.
While I wouldn’t pick any one of the foreplay courses over the other, my favourite part is just being in the presence of someone I love, helping them enjoy a foreplay dinner served by me.
What do you think about my foreplay dinner analogy? Does it resonate or intrigue you? Have you got another analogy for foreplay?