Are you more dominant or submissive (or a bit of both)?
I’m surprised that of the 30 questions, I didn’t answer this as the very first one. I guess that’s the problem with being at the bottom of the list.
Well given the title of this blog, Musings of a Switch, I am very much a switch, so I lean both dominant and submissive depending on a number of factors.

I am certain that I am a switch through and through. I have submissive days, and I have dominant days. I am also submissive to people with dominant personalities, and vice versa.
However beyond submissive and dominant days with people of the corresponding personality. There are longer periods of time as well that I feel either submissive or dominant.
At the moment, I am going through a dominant period. My interests currently lie in Caregiver/Little as a nurturing Daddy Dom, and the top role in a number of kinks where I have an interest.
I am unable to immediately switch between the two, mostly it is a gradual process, or evolution of feelings that flows between the two states. Or it comes from a feeling that emerges when I wake up in the morning. There are some days where the two co-exist and I have some submissive traits mixed in with dominant traits.
As for answering the question above, I am both a submissive and a dominant, however at the moment I am leaning more towards the dominant part of the spectrum. Although If I came across a dominant woman who I found attractive, I would become submissive leaning for them.